Life Groups are the cornerstone of Clearwater Church! This is where people grow in their walk with God and encounter life giving relationships with other people.
Here’s the principle: “Christian maturity comes about best as truth is applied to life within the context of relationships.”
Life Groups offer you this opportunity to share love and truth in a safe, accepting gathering of folks that you will come to love. And Jesus is the key, honored member of every one of our Life Groups.
If you are interested in knowing more about Jesus, these non-threatening, casual groups are where people like you can “do life together” and encounter the living God in real and tangible ways. And it is where all of us can learn to use our spiritual gifts together.
Life Groups can be found meeting on most nights of the week. Some meet at the church campus. Each has its own unique flavor, based on the needs and desires of the members. Some include children. Some enjoy a meal together. All are lead by wonderful facilitators who welcome everyone’s participation without pressure.
If you would like to explore becoming a part of a Life Group, note your interest on the Clearwater Info Card at church or simply fill out the form below. You will then be contacted by someone from our church who will help you.
Small Group Resources
Right Way Media
Our church now offers free unlimited access to RightNow Media, the largest video Bible study library, featuring over 20,000 videos from renowned leaders. It's available anytime, anywhere, to help you live out your faith.