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New to Clearwater Church?

JOIN US: Sundays at 10:00 AM

Hey there! Thanks for checking out Clearwater Church. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday!

We look forward to meeting you!

Plan your visit now and we will...

-Give you more information about the service🚙

-Connect and answer any questions💒

-Help you pre-register kids if you have any👦🏼

-Send you a free gift for participating🎁


So hit the button below now to plan your experience!


Where are you located?
What time is service?
Where do I park?
Is there something for my kids?
Is there special programming for children during the service?
How long is the service?
Do you offer coffee and snacks?

Let's get Coffee - Sermon Series

Unlock the Proven Spiritual Habits for Real Life

Pastor Shad Wickstrom

The Problem of Evil: Understanding God's Role - Part 2

Pastor Randy Kroening

Is God Evil? Understanding Suffering and Faith

Pastor Randy Kroening

Sunday vs. Saturday: What Does the Bible Say?

Pastor Shad Wickstrom

Sunday vs. Saturday: What Does the Bible Say?

Pastor Randy Kroening

Struggling to Pray? Discover Effective Ways to Connect with God

Pastor Randy Kroening

Sunday vs. Saturday: What Does the Bible Say?

Pastor Randy Kroening

Faith & Mental Health Part 2 (Panel)

Pastor Shad Wickstrom

Faith & Mental Health Part 1

Pastor Shad Wickstrom

Can I trust the Bible? Part 2

Pastor Randy Kroening

Can I trust the Bible?

Pastor Randy Kroening

The Bible in Your Daily Decisions: A Practical Guide

Pastor Randy Kroening